Serving All of Missouri
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Advanced Care through Assistive Technology (AT)

At ATvanced Home Care, we are dedicated to empowering older adults to live safer, more independent lives. We achieve this by offering our cutting-edge 24/7 remote home care system and monitoring service, as well as independent living solutions independent living solutions, powered by smart AT. Our innovative offerings aim to address the pressing desire to age-in-place.

We are proud contracted service providers for the MO Dept. of Mental Health’s Home & Community Based Waiver Program, Dept. of Health & Senior Service’s Brain Injury Waiver, and Boone County Family Resource Center.

If you are a support coordinator, or an individual interested in receiving our remote care service or assistive technology, please reach out to us directly.

Independent Living Solutions with Automatic Alerts to Family and EMS

Custom Mobile Alerts

Caregivers and family members receive instant alerts based on their own specific rules and preferences.

24/7 Emergency Response

Get help instantly from a trained professional who will dispatch EMS when necessary.

Provide Care From Anywhere

Our remote care system enables family members and caregivers to provide care and support from anywhere.

Hands-Free Communication

Hands-free communication hubs allow the resident to easily connect with caregivers through simple voice commands.

Emergency Buttons

Strategically placed SOS buttons allow seniors to instantly notify designated caregivers in an emergency.

Fall Detection & Response

Our non-wearable, wall-mounted sensors detect falls in real-time and instantly alert designated caregivers and the emergency response center.


Contact us for a FREE consultation and evaluation!

Simply let us know what goals you have for your independence, or any obstacles you are facing. We design custom packages designed to meet each person’s individual needs for safe independent living.

NO technical expertise needed! We handle everything!

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